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If you are an eligible veteran applying for the first time membership, you must submit the following information to the Post Membership Committee:


  • A completed American Legion Membership application by clicking “Print Application” . Print two (2)  copies of the application and  keep one copy for your records. Mail the other copy to address on the application, together with your dues payment. (Dues amount on application) and copy of your DD-214 or Discharge .  Applications are also available at the Post. DO NOT SEND CASH.

  • If the information is correct on your application, your membership will be approved and your membership card will be mailed to you.

  • Please see eligibility dates below.









If you are a Veteran applying for a transfer from your current Post to our Post, please must submit the following:


  • A completed American Legion Transfer application by clicking “Print Application”.

  • Copy of your DD214 or Discharge

  • Copy of your Membership Card

  • Membership dues payment, if current year dues are not paid. If current dues are paid, please pay dues for next year’s membership.





MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY (effective July 30, 2019) in the American Legion is based on honorable service with the U. S. Armed Forces between:


  • April 6, 1917, to Nov. 11, 1918

  • US Merchant Marine December 7, 1941 - December 31, 1946

  • December 7, 1941 – until a time when the U.S. is no longer at war, as determined by Congress.


    National Guard & Reserve Eligibility


    The National Guard and Reserve are required to meet the same  eligibility requirements as the time federal active veterans. To be
    eligible, the National Guardsman/Reservist must have been Federally activated (including basic training) during the delimiting periods, and 
    either have an honorable discharge or currently be serving in the Guard/Reserve or on federal active duty. If a Guardsman/Reservist has been on or currently serving on federal active duty is the "Authority Line" on the activation orders of the Guardsman/Reservist. In both cases "Title 10 Subsection 672 or 12301" are orders from the Secretary of Defense and are federal orders. The authority the Governor use to activate the National Guard as an individual or unit is "Title 32" orders, i.e. Weekend Drills  and Annual Training. These are "NOT" federal orders. The Reserves have similar reserve orders which are "Title 10, Subsection 270". This authority code gives the reserve component the authority to activate the reserves for Weekend Drills and Annual Training. 

    Note: A DD-214 will be issued for the time on federal active duty or a DA-1059 for a completion of a school will be issued with a 
    character type of discharge. All Reserve components send their service members to "Basic Training" using Title 10, Subsection 672/12301 


    You must have served at least one day of active military duty during one of the dates above and honorably discharged or still serving honorably.


       For any questions please contact our membership chairman, or stop at the Post.


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